
Data410 is powered by incredible open-source libraries and tools. This page is dedicated to appreciating the creators and contributors who made these tools available to everyone.

Open-Source Dependencies

Below is a list of open-source libraries that make Data410 possible. Thank you to their maintainers!

  • asgiref (v3.8.1)

    ASGI specs, helper code, and adapters

  • boto3 (v1.35.93)

    The AWS SDK for Python

  • botocore (v1.35.93)

    Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3.

  • certifi (v2024.12.14)

    Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.

  • charset-normalizer (v3.4.1)

    The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet.

  • dj-database-url (v2.3.0)

    Use Database URLs in your Django Application.

  • Django (v5.1.4)

    A high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

  • django-admin-sortable2 (v2.2.4)

    Generic drag-and-drop sorting for the List, the Stacked- and the Tabular-Inlines Views in the Django Admin

  • django-browser-reload (v1.17.0)

    Automatically reload your browser in development.

  • django-cleanup (v9.0.0)

    Deletes old files.

  • django-js-asset (v3.0.1)

    script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media

  • django-prose-editor (v0.10.2)

    Prose editor for the Django admin based on ProseMirror

  • django-redis (v5.4.0)

    Full featured redis cache backend for Django.

  • django-storages (v1.14.4)

    Support for many storage backends in Django

  • django-tailwind (v3.8.0)

    Tailwind CSS Framework for Django projects

  • django-unfold (v0.43.0)

    Modern Django admin theme for seamless interface development

  • djangorestframework (v3.15.2)

    Web APIs for Django, made easy.

  • gunicorn (v23.0.0)

    WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX

  • idna (v3.10)

    Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)

  • jmespath (v1.0.1)

    JSON Matching Expressions

  • Markdown (v3.7)

    Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown.

  • nh3 (v0.2.20)

    Python binding to Ammonia HTML sanitizer Rust crate

  • packaging (v24.2)

    Core utilities for Python packages

  • pillow (v11.0.0)

    Python Imaging Library (Fork)

  • psycopg2 (v2.9.10)

    psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter

  • python-dateutil (v2.9.0.post0)

    Extensions to the standard Python datetime module

  • redis (v5.2.1)

    Python client for Redis database and key-value store

  • requests (v2.32.3)

    Python HTTP for Humans.

  • s3transfer (v0.10.4)

    An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager

  • six (v1.17.0)

    Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities

  • sqlparse (v0.5.3)

    A non-validating SQL parser.

  • typing_extensions (v4.12.2)

    Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+

  • urllib3 (v2.3.0)

    HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.

  • uuid (v1.30)

    UUID object and generation functions (Python 2.3 or higher)

  • whitenoise (v6.8.2)

    Radically simplified static file serving for WSGI applications

Community Contributions

The open-source community is essential to this project. We encourage you to explore and contribute to these amazing libraries or participate in Data410’s mission.

Get Involved

Want to make a difference? Support the open-source projects listed above or contribute to Data410. Together, we can create a more privacy-friendly digital world.

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